Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Book Chat - Chapter 3, 4, and 5

This book is so practical!  Even though you may or may not have a job/project where you can work through the activities in Chapter 5, I'm sure you are thinking about talkers and who the best talkers for a brand might be.  In fact, you might be trying to identify if YOU are a talker, and if so, what kind.

Here are the questions for this Book Chat:
1. I love the WOM Marketing Manifesto.  What are the top three points here, in your opinion?
2. Think of the examples of the Bloomingdale's brown bag or the doughnut holes at Lou Mitchell's, what are the best examples you've seen of similar practices by businesses you patronize?
3. What did you think of the FreshBooks campaign?
4. From Chapter 5, are you a talker?  What kind?  For what companies/products/causes/ideas?
5. Thank yous are powerful.  Has a company every gone above and beyond to thank you or a family member or friend?