Monday, March 3, 2014

Enchantment Book Chat #3 - Chapter 4

In Chapter 4 we learn about the importance of being prepared (the Boy Scouts were right), and the pitfalls that come if you aren't.

Questions for Book Chat #3:

1. What/who is in your Enchantment Hall of Fame?  Which of the necessary qualities listed does he/she/it have?
2.  What is your reaction to Guy's trash can experiment?  What have you ever seen or tried that was similar?
3.  What company have you noticed that has "Removed the Fences"?  Or the flip side, what companies have built unnecessary fences that make doing business with them more difficult?
4.  Anything else from Chapter 4 that "enchanted" you?


  1. 1. My Enchantment Hall of Fame would be something like this, but not limited to: 1) Company - Google. Depth, intelligence, completeness, empowerment, elegance – Google has it all. If you haven’t seen their ad called “Coffee,” it is one of my favorites. 2) TV Host - Ellen DeGeneres. She is someone that I believe to be absolutely enchanting. I have never seen someone so consistently witty and downright hilarious while maintaining an intelligent, interesting, and professional demeanor. 3) Actress – Sophia Bush. She is a huge activist; empowerment is something that goes hand in hand with what she does and what she supports. She cares so much about her fans and the common good of all people and it shows through all of the causes she works with and represents. 4) Musician – 30 Seconds to Mars. When I hear their music I want to get up and fight for something. Some of their songs are about powerful, real-world topics and the way they perform them really inspires me.

    2. I think it was really cool (and kind of nerdy) of him to do this sort of thing at his son’s hockey barbeque. But it makes so much sense, and it’s awesome that something that simple can change behavior. It’s hard for me to think of something else I have seen or tried like this because I probably didn’t even notice the intention behind it.

    3. Papa Johns. You can order right online (mid-movie usually for me, let’s be honest), they deliver it to you, and they call you after delivery to ask how it was, leaving room to complain or compliment them as you wish. I love me some Papa Johns.

    4. I enjoyed the "Keep it Short, Simple, and Swallowable" tips, especially telling people to show respect. Too often marketers truly insult the intelligence of the general public, and it's important for people to know that that isn't going to make anyone want to buy your product. Things that seem too good to be true usually are, and we have all figured that out by now.

  2. 1) The top brands in my Enchantment Hall of Fame are:
    a. Magazine- Entertainment Weekly. They are deep, intelligent, complete and empowering through all that they provide. Using multiple platforms, they have immediate updates via social media regarding the entertainment industry but also utilize their print form for longer stories. Most of the articles provide both information and a funny commentary, but still give readers an entertainment news edge over others.
    b.Retail- Raygun Shirts (local Des Moines company). They are intelligent, complete, empowering, and elegant. This company finds creative and hilarious ways to create a wide variety of products from the Midwest want, while having a huge online and customer service presence. They also do an excellent job of making people extremely proud of where they come from.
    2) Though he thought it was a silly idea, I’ve seen this done before. You would think that it is easy for people to understand the difference between the two trashcans, but providing this quick visual cue makes it easy for us to avoid thinking and just know what to do. A great example of this is all of the recycling bins at Bradley. Most students wouldn’t go out of their way to find recycling bins let alone differentiate between the different types. Making the recycling bins and trash cans look different, and also providing different shaped/sized slots on the recycling bins gives us quick and easy social cues.
    3) One of the most annoying fences I experience often is when you see promotions to do or get something by following (typically with the impression of being free), but then require you to create an account and charging a service or membership fee. One example is that JibJab, an online greeting card company, promoted their holiday cards on one of my social media sites with a link to “Get Started.” Their promotion gave me the impression that you could create these cards for free (which is what they used to do). However when I got to the site I had to create an account and then view all of their existing cards before realizing that each card cost money to create. So frustrating!
    4) I loved the section about conducting a “Premortem.” I think most companies and brands should be doing this anyway (if they have the resources that is). This section highlighted its importance though- preventing future problems while also getting all of the team members in on the strategic planning.

  3. 1. I have to admit that being able to perform music would probably be in my enchantment hall of fame. It’s deep in that music can have a profound effect on your life. I know that when I sing or listen to music on a bad day it often helps me to improve my mood quickly. It is also very empowering because there is nothing like performing music and performing it well. You can derive a great deal of satisfaction and accomplishment from a well-executed performance.
    2. I think it’s funny that people reacted the way they did. There was probably some sort of association going on in their minds when they saw the can with the hole in the lid. I’m sure that many of those people had been exposed to recycling bins with slots for certain materials before and felt that they should use the garbage can in the same way. I have never personally tried anything like this but it does remind me of the recycling bins that we have around campus.
    3. This may be a bit of a stretch, but my family commonly buys Blue Bonnet spread. Blue Bonnet recently went through a packaging redesign. I have noticed that a lot of companies have been partaking in the trend of shrinking their packaging size but charging the same purchase amount. Blue Bonnet went through the trouble of calling attention to the fact on their labels that even though the package had changed shape it still contained the same amount of spread. If they had not made a point of bringing to our attention that they still contained the same amount of spread we may not have continued to purchase their product. They removed the fence of ambiguity that was created when they changed the way their packaging looked.
    4. I’ll admit that the story at the end of the chapter was pretty enchanting. It amazes me that Mike’s father drove nonstop for 1500 miles and through inclement weather for his son. Not a lot of parents would probably do that for their kid. That is one long drive, one loving father, and one amazing business success story.

  4. 1. When I think of my Enchantment Hall of Fame, two people come to mind: Robb Wolf and John Wooden, and each for very different reasons.
    Robb Wolf is not only a biochemist and best selling author, but he writes a blog for every day people that helps people who have adopted the Paleo way of life. I've been a follower of his blog and podcast for a couple of years now and he always keeps me coming back for more. His content is deep because he continues to discuss engaging and unique content while also answering questions from his followers. His background and experiences make him a very intelligent person, and his words are empowering. If I wouldn't have read his book in the beginning of my journey I really don't know if I would have pursued this lifestyle in the first place.
    In my opinion, John Wooden is one of the greatest coaches of all time. Ive read countless books about his coaching philosophies and I am truly inspired by his words. He touched a lot of people's lives and empowered his players to become champions and all around better people. His coaching extended far beyond the basketball court because he offered complete words of wisdom and advice to those around him. He was patient and knew how to speak effectively to a wide variety of personalities. He was elegant because he truly cared about people and the game, ad he redefined success. He urged people to find the best in themselves, and happiness comes from much more than winning.

    2. I thought Guy's trash experiment was an awesome idea. He identified a problem he had in the past, and instead of becoming irritated with people he tried something new. It shows that sometimes we have to make an organized effort to get people to do something instead of always assuming they are "bad" or just don't care. This experiment gives people an opportunity to do the right thing, even if they were not consciously told to do so. I can see this applying to employees with an organization. If employees are taught the correct way to do something, (instead of just assuming they know how to do it) then giving them some autonomy may make them work harder. Sometimes all it takes is a clear explanation, or an opportunity for them to prove themselves.

    3. Personally, I think Amazon has done a great job of "removing the fences." At first I was hesitant about ordering things online often, but I have come to trust Amazon because they make it easy for me. Even when I've had to return items it's been easy and low stress. They have become a business that people can trust and they trade off short-term profits in order to build long-term loyalty with their customers. It makes the whole purchase experience easy, and I like how I can check out reviews right then and there before I make my decision.

    4. I liked how Guy brought up the concept of "less is more." I applied it to when I try to come up with catchy slogans for my advertising projects. It's so easy to get carried away with all the research and and information that I have in front of me and sometimes I try to do too much with it. The same thing can apply to presentations. I always want to include as much information as possible when really it's more interesting to pick a few main points and really expand and exemplify them. "Make it short, simple, and swallowable" for your audience.

  5. 1. Some companies and people included in my Enchantment Hall of Fame would include:
    a. Apple: I know the book mentioned Apple, but I really feel it fits many of these qualities. It is a complete brand. I recently have looked into buying a computer from Apple, and the customer service I received was amazing. The customer service on top of the product makes it complete. It is also empowering because Mac's allow people to do things they never could before on an old PC. Users can connect all their apple products together to have unity, making your life easier to control. It is also an elegant brand. They care about what their product looks like, how it works, and even take pride in what their stores look like. Many companies do not put in that much effort all around.
    b. Athlete: Russell Wilson just won a Super Bowl in only his second year, but I have never seen a more humble athlete. He works hard on his game to be the best and it paid off. Wilson takes pride in himself and his game. He also cares so much for his fans and others off of the field. During football season, Wilson would visit the Seattle Children's hospital weekly with his wife. I am sure he has changed all of those children's lives. He is an all around enchanting person from his genuine smile to his personality.
    c. TOMS: They are complete, empowering and elegant. I have always been a big fan of TOMS and what they do. They may create a simple shoe, but they take pride in making those shoes and they create a variety of designs and styles. There is a shoe out there for every type of person. They truly care about helping others and that shows in their willingness to donate a pair of shoes to someone in need with every purchase.

    2. I love Guy's experiment with the trash can. Public trash cans have trained us for this type of behavior. The ones on campus are shaped for the product so the bottle trash can has a circular hole and the paper one is rectangular. If we see this in other environments, we are likely to keep the same habits. I also find it funny that five bottles were found at the bottom of the trash can, but no more. As humans, we typically follow the crowd, not wanting to be different from the norm. I am always willing to throw my empty bottles into the recycle bins on campus, but I am less likely to separate bottles out of the trash at home.

    3. made their message confusing. When I saw the commercials, I got the impression that all I had to do was go to the website, plug in my information, and it would tell me my credit score for free. It turns out that that was not necessarily the case. Apparently, there was writing in the fine print explaining the process, but many people did not see that. The name is misleading and creates a fence for people.

    4. The section about checklists really clicked with me. When school gets hectic, I write down everything I need to do and when it needs to be done by. Once I complete an assignment, I cross it off of my list. It is exciting seeing more and more items checked off of my list. I also like when check lists are created for me. It helps me stay on task and know what I need to get done.

  6. 1. My Enchantment Hall of Fame looks a little something like this...
    Car: Bugatti
    City: Chicago
    Book: How to Make an American Quilt by Whitney Otto
    Political Leader: Martin Luther King Jr.
    Actress: Rachel McAdams
    TV Host: Jimmy Fallon
    Singer: Justin Timberlake (duh)

    2. I’m not surprised by Guy’s trash can experiment. I would expect the same result with most groups of people. We have all heard it numerous times, “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” When the option to recycle is available, and it is not an inconvenience, people will do it. I am sure that I have seen other experiments like this before, but probably did not even realize it, like the families who recycled without thinking about it in Guy’s experiment.

    3. I had one experience recently with (an eBay company) where they should have removed some fences. Until last semester I have always bought or rented my books from either or the Bradley Bookstore. Last semester, however, I thought that I would save a few dollars by renting from It was a bad idea. I would have much rather spent the extra $15 than deal with the company At the end of the semester, I needed to return my books. I went to print my return shipping label from, but for some reason, the label was not printing. The due date was nearing, and without being able to print the return label, I was in a pickle. I knew one thing, though; I was not paying any late fees. I searched and searched for the contact information for After jumping through what seemed like an endless amount of hoops, I finally found a working number that I could call. The people were no help, however. I won’t go into detail, but I made sure to tell them that I was going to do my shopping on Amazon from now on. Had the company provided a simple customer service number, or even just emailed me the shipping label after I had finally gotten through to someone to call and complain, my experience with them would have been much better. But unfortunately they did not remove their fences, and they lost a valuable customer.

    4. I enjoyed Guy’s guidelines for making a cause “easy to swallow and easy to follow.” I have heard similar advice in my design courses at Bradley. However, I thought it was interesting that he cautioned to stay away from scare tactics. They can work, but they can be interpreted in the wrong way. He makes a good point, though. Keeping it positive is definitely the more enchanting way to go.

  7. 1. My Hall of Fame:
    Car:BMW x5, complete and elegant
    Airline: Swiss Air, complete
    City: Chicago, IL, empowering and elegant
    Book: Enchanted by Guy Kawasak, deep-intelligent-empowering
    Singer: Michael Buble, intelligent, empowering, elegant
    Actress: Sandra Bullock, empowering and elegant

    2. I like Guy's trash can experiment a lot, it shows how the human brain works and how you can alter their thinking/actions without them knowing. It makes sense, we always do things in the easiest ways, so giving them the option to just throw out cans/bottles, they will! I have seen some tv shows or YouTube videos with experiments like this and they make me laugh all the time, but I know I'd do the same!

    3. I think HootSuite is a good example for a company that has removed some fences. It allows for a dashboard of all my social media sites which makes it easy for me to see what I want to see all in one, not on 3-5 different tabs in my browser.

    4. I like that Guy mentioned making checklists because I do this all the time! It helps keep me on task and gives me things to look forward to getting done. I also believe that check lists help make sure everything is completed correctly and shows that when you do cut corners, it's not always the best thing!

  8. If I need to choose only one for my Enchantment Hall of Fame, it would be Google. Google is always trying to go forward (Ex. New Technology), so I will say Google covers everything from the list which are Deep, Intelligent, Complete, Empowering, Elegant. They always trying to compete with various kinds of brand, it could be cell phone OS, browsers, electric products and other materials that helps customers to live better. Recently, Google is trying to expand SNS which is Google+ to make people to use only Google applications, and they think it is a lot easier if everything could combine together in one place.

    2. I think the trash experience was very creative idea to process. I know there are some psychological meanings for each action he did; however, we don't exactly know why people change their behavior. If we know more psychological ways of changing people's behaviors, it might be a bit easier to change their mind.

    3.I mentioned on the first question a little bit, but I think Google is one of Removed Fences companies. Google is what they are aiming for the removed fences. Getting very thing on one place such as the browser, SNS (Google+, blog), sharing files, and so on.

    4.Creating a checklist to establish a goal you set up will be the great way to proceed the actions. My parents often tell me that I should back calculate based on what I want to success or what goal I have. I think that is similar to make a checklist to establish a goal.

  9. 1. My enchantment Hall of Fame includes, 1) City-Florence, Italy. Something about that city enchanted me every morning when I would wake, and it has done so everyday since. A part of the magic of that city stays with you, making it a complete experience. It was also empowering to be in a new city, discovering new people, places, etc. 2) Book- Enchantment…truly this book is one of my favorites. I hope this doesn’t sound like a cop out, because this book helps me feel empowered through encouragement and engaging exercises. I would say it is complete as well; and there is definitely a string of enhancements with each chapter. I would argue that it is also intelligent, elegant, and deep.

    2. I think his trashcan experiment was interesting. It was a friendly and simple way to illustrate changing peoples behaviors without harsh criticisms or other more aggressive means. Just one small action can make a huge difference. I can’t really think of a time when I have seen anything similar to this though.

    3. If it’s not too far of a stretch, I pick the Chicago Blackhawks as an organization that has torn down many fences. Originally, when Will Wirtz was in control of the Blackhawks, many fans felt a sort of disconnect with the team due to things such as not televising home games, and so on. When his son Rocky Wirtz took over, he worked hard to make the games available for home viewing, as well as other strategies to get fans more involved.

    4. I found the personal story at the end of this chapter to be enchanting. I had a similar situation arise when I attended Illinois State. Work was piling up and I just wasn’t sure where to turn or what to tackle first. On top of everything, my car decided to up and quit on me, so I couldn’t go to take care of my projects when I needed to most. I was overwhelmed. I decided to call my mom for advice. Instead, I ended up with a team partner for the day. She drove over immediately, put her arms around me and told me everything was going to be okay. She dropped everything to assist me with getting back on track, and I’ve never forgotten that. She is one of the most enchanting people I know.

  10. 1) My Enchantment Hall Of Fame: City -- Chicago, deep dish pizza and sports (basically heaven) - Deep and Complete; Political Leader -- MLK - Intelligent, Empowering, and Elegant; TV Host -- Jimmy Fallon - Deep, Intelligent, and Elegant

    2) The trash can experiment was very interesting. The covered can with the hole in it almost acted as a sign in itself saying "Bottles and Cans Only" when there was no sign at all. It shows if you provide the right materials to people, they will eventually take those materials and do the right thing.

    3) Guy talks about Amazon being able to remove fences with its name, but I think it also does this with its new shipping methods. It was reported a few months ago that Amazon will soon be using aerial drones to ship packages to people in a matter of hours after their online purchase. Yes, there a lot of kinks to work out in this process but this is appealing to Amazon customers because the fence of having to wait even a full 24-hours for a package has been removed. Man, we're lazy.

    4) I just really liked Guy's views on marketability of different brands and products. He is very easy to relate to in that way.

  11. 1. My Enchantment Hall of Fame
    - City: London. I studied abroad there this January and it fits all the criteria of elegant.
    - Actor: Christian Bale. He is the definition of a "complete" actor, he became emaciated for his role in The Fighter, gained a potbelly and rocked a comb over in American Hustle, and still looked pretty good if I do say so myself :)
    - Book: The Last Lecture. Written by a father of three with terminal cancer, this book definitely empowered me to live my life to the fullest.
    - TV Host: Chris Harrison. Though The Bachelor is not what I'd like to call quality television, Chris Harrison manages to be very intelligent and engaged in the plot of the show, season after season.

    2. I loved the trash can experiment. I am a very visual learner and anything that actually shows me how/what to do is extremely helpful. Even though Guy wasn't physically standing next to the bin showing people how to recycle, the small cut out implied what was to be done and that proved to be enough in this situation.

    3. I think removing fences is very important. There have been many times in restaurants I have strayed from ordering something that I cannot pronounce because it is embarrassing/difficult. Humans like ease, and making things easy for them to understand is an approach that more companies should take.

    4. I liked Guy's thoughts on creating a checklist. It was pretty amazing to read all the stats from the John Hopkins ICU and the decrease in infections when the employees followed a checklist!

  12. 1. My Enchantment Hall of Fame
    Empowering- Beats by Dre
    These headphones allow people to listen to their music like they always have, but in a different way. cancellation and increases a user’s listening experience. Owning these headphones give people the sense of empowerment.
    Complete- Disney
    Disney is a brand that provides fans with many different services. From movies and products to amusement parks, Disney lets people walk away with a great and complete experience.
    Intelligent- OnStar
    Onstar has been a way for drivers to solve problems regarding their cars. Something as big as a car accident or something as small as unlocking your car, Onstar is just a phone call away.

    3. There are many online magazines that allow readers to view half of an article before they have to subscribe. The internet is supposed to serve people with a immediate and accessible information. Take down these fences!
    There are some companies who have taken down these fences. For example, Zappos’ standard shipping is free!

  13. 1. One celebrity that I am enchanted by is Ellen DeGeneres. I feel that she is just the complete package. Despite her jokes and personality, she is a very intelligent person with the ability to move people. Another item in my enchantment hall of frame would have to be the iPhone. Seeing that I am one of the many out there that is attached to my iPhone, I believe that that little thing can do just about anything. It is incredibly intelligent and elegant device that can solve just about any problem you may have. I would have to say the iPhone is also very deep because there are probably so many things that can be done on it that I have no idea about.

    2. I had never seen anything like the trash experiment done before, but I thought it was pretty brilliant. It's a great example of how sometimes you just need to nudge people in the direction that you want them to go. I see Guy's point of if you have the right motive when you make things easier for people to do, then you will see better results and people won't disappoint you.

    3. Zappos has really removed the fences. I am a huge fan of the website and that's because they make it so easy to use! You can really specify your search in terms of price range, sizes available, colors, style, etc. Free shipping and returns also provides a sense of ease to customers because if you don't like the item you bought, there is no hassle or charge in returning it. I love Zappos and will continue to buy from them because of the fact they have removed their fences.

    4. A final thought from this chapter was on creating a checklist. I am an avid list-makers, so reading this section provided insight on how using lists can be used in a different way. Also, the story on the hospital was incredibly interesting and hard to believe that such results were seen from just making a list of steps to follow.

  14. 1. My Enchantment Hall of Fame would include the following:
    Google, Apple, and Target because of their intelligence and ability to be impressively innovative companies.

    Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds are both intelligent and elegant.

    Basically anything Art related, because it is enchanting, deep and empowering in a million ways, it just depends on the viewer. Relating this to a business/company (not sure exactly what it’s categorized as) but Etsy and Pinterest are very deep, intelligent, empowering and elegant. I skip complete, because while they are complete in several ways, I feel very few things can ever be fully complete because there is always ways to grow and improve businesses.

    2. I think Guy’s trash can experiment had interesting results. I’m curious of the psychology behind this because you’d think it’d be easier to drop recycling into an open blue bin than the small hole, but the results seem to show otherwise. On the other hand, I do think the small hole in a lid may attract more attention than an open bin. It’s like the shapes games from everyone’s childhoods. When you have a smaller shape that not everything can fit into, I feel we more instinctively insert the appropriate items. It’s like a more direct and visual way of instructing people.

    3. I think Google and Apple are two companies that do a great job of removing the fences. Both companies, as I mentioned earlier, are very innovative. This being said I feel both of them are always looking to create the next ‘best thing.’ In today’s fast passed world this always includes, efficiency and ease. I would agree with many others in saying that Amazon does a great job of removing the fences also. They seem to have almost mastered online shopping if you ask me. They have millions of products that can be browsed, bought, returned, sold, etc. all with very simply easy to use processes.

    4. I like what Guy had to say about Checklists. I am a huge fan of them! It’s my only way of really being productive and not forgetting things. I typically let a checklist build in my head until becomes too full and then I spill it all onto paper. I rarely do anything but hand write a checklist because for some reason it helps me really know what I all have to do, and I love scribbling all over tasks when they are finished. Deleting them off a digital list just isn’t satisfying enough for me.

  15. 1. My enchantment hall of fame would include Google, Apple, and Southwest Airlines. Because they are able to create different products and engage many different people. Google is obviously a deep cause because there is so many different components to it and it helps. Apple I think is an intelligent cause because they bring so many different new ideas such as siri, and other new features they continue to add to their new products. I am not sure if Southwest Airlines has any of the features Guy lists, but I think they have found a way to make an impact in a high price industry. They offer great flight prices, free bags, and a different check in system then any other flight company.

    2. I thought that his trash can experiment was an awesome idea. It might be something to try in my fraternity house. However, I am not sure if it would work though. I am surprised it worked so well, because people seem to be oblivious to what would seem like common sense. I think it does set a precedent for setting up things the way you want to be done, without out telling someone to do it.

    3. I think Southwest Airlines does a great job of removing the financial fence. As I mentioned earlier, they find a way to make flying cheaper and easier for people. They also use great slogans such as wanna get away to differentiate their pricing differences. They allow the traveler to have a simpler experience without adding additional costs to already pricy tickets.

    4. I think the part of the chapter about checklists was awesome. I think this is a great way to make sure people complete things as you want them to be completed. I also am a very organized person, and I enjoy making checklists to ensure I complete everything I want. It shows people the way to do things without constantly badgering them.

  16. My enchantment hall of fame would include some of the following: Carrie Underwood, Beyonce, the city of Chicago, and the book, Proof of Heaven. I chose Carrie Underwood and Beyonce because they are both celebrities that to me are extremely empowering and elegant. I respect their musical talent so much that I feel empowered by a lot of their work and also feel like they carry and manage their social life in an elegant fashion. The city of Chicago to me is complete and deep. There is so much to do in the city, and while at many times all the little parts of the area can be overwhelming, there still seems to be a sense of organization amongst it all. Lastly, I recently read the book, Proof of Heaven. It was about a neurosurgeon's encounter with a near-death experience. He covers his observations from this experience, a lot of which had to do with Heaven. Not only is he extremely intelligent, but the way he talks about his unique experience was so well written and I really got the sense that he wanted his experience of enchantment with Heaven to be shared with his readers.

    I think Guy's trash can experience was very interesting. I think it does a great job of showing the concept of enchantment and I completely agree that there are subtle things we can do each day to motivate, persuade, or move people. Consumer behavior is something that I believe is influenced by many different factors. I also believe that our behavior as consumers and as human beings can change very frequently. Something I have tried that is similar to this would probably involve any kind of action I have taken to try to get one of my messy roommates to clean up a bit more. I have tried a few different things, picking up after her and making sure she sees it and have also gone the method of leaving my mess to see if that sparked any kind of change in her actions.

    I think a company that "removed the fences" would be Chipotle. I think allowing customers to get a fairly quick meal, made up of fresh ingredients, made to order is something that we love. Choosing the ingredients for our meal allows us to experience that sense of ease and freedom and not have to worry about receiving something we don't truly want.

    All in all I thought this chapter in Guy's book provided some really substantial information. I definitely agreed with his piece on stressing the importance of goal setting. I am a goal oriented person and I think it is important to set them and see them through all the way. Setting goals allows us to manage all the different things we have going on in our lives and create value for ourselves and others.

  17. My Enchantment Hall of Fame could go forever but heres a summary: Actor: Kevin Spacey- I loved American Beauty and it's beautifully wretched story of suburban America. I just started House of Cards and can't stop. Spacey is MAGNIFICENT. Magazine: GQ- I like pretty much everything they put in there. Politics, Style, Entertainment Sports. Its intelligent and highly influential. Book: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell- It provides a deep story of success and often touches on points no one would think about. Deep and extremely thought-provoking. City: Singapore- It is a completely different world. Insane luxury and living standards. It is, in my opinion the epitome of 21st century civilization. Beautiful, historical, sophisticated, and awe-inspiring.

    Trash can experiment- I think we do this kind of thing all the time when we try to convince people through arguments or general discussion. I know that by finding something that a person loves or wants, you can shape a discussion to make a better outcome for everyone.

    I initially thought about Comcast and how terrible they are at doing EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what Guy encouraged. They have so many barriers to get service that it is impossible to deal with, but because they are almost a monopoly, the control the environment. Miserable company, just miserable.

    I thought the thing that was most enchanting in this chapter was guys encouragement to keep messages simple and easily understood. "Got Milk" and "Just Do It" are great examples about how simple slogans can mean so much to a business and an entire company or industry.

  18. My Enchantment Hall of Fame: Book- The Harry Potter Series, because it has inspired both children and adults. For something to capture so many people for such a long period, and for people to still be talking about it, is truly enchanting. City- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, not only does the beautiful landscape draw you in, but the people as well. It has so much life within the city, and not to mention its hosting the 2016 olympics, and the 2014 World cup. TV Host- Giuliana Rancic- She is the host of E! News, Fashion Police and has her own reality show with her husband on Oxygen. However, she has also overcome many challenges that she has been willing to display on television. She empowers women to be more than their circumstances.

    Trash Experiment- I think that it is something that many people don't think of, and as Guy said "as long as your intentions are pure, people generally won't disappoint." This reminds me of some of the bins that we have on campus with different shapes for different types of recycling, they attract my attention more than the generic blue bin. I think because its right there and laid out, I don't see why not, and it almost makes me feel like I'm doing the right thing.

    Removing Fences- I believe that Dollar Shave Club has removed just about any fences that there could be. Their name basically explains their whole business plan. If you've seen any of their advertisements they're not only hilarious but they are also informational. They constantly remind their audience the simplicity of the club and that it's "hassle free."

    I really like the idea of a "pre-mortem," rather than the usual post-mortem. The idea of thinking about problems that may occur prior to the launch rather than dealing with it when it happens. I feel like this would be able to reduce a lot of anxiety when something does go wrong, and you would also be able to get different ideas for solutions from a wider range of people rather than those within the sector in which the problem occurs.

  19. I was impressed that Mike Rowe was in his Hall of Fame! I'm actually a huge fan of his. (Surprised? I also am amazed by heavy machinery.) He is such a genuine man & in interviews he never messes around. Skilled labor is his big thing that he promotes, I find that really cool! He is down to earth & realizes that traditional college isn't for everyone & how that isn't a bad thing! He definitely touches on all the points we have read so far!

    Am I enchanted by Mike Rowe....? What an odd thing to say.

    I subscribe to too many monthly boxes. Some of them have an easy opt-out option for each month, while other sites hide this option & that is so annoying. It is a surefire way to get me to unsubscribe.

    Currently in my graphic design class we are working on branding a 'no frills' business. While Guy discussed why a checklist is helpful I kept thinking how being upfront, not wanting to waste others time, and just wanting to be there to help people was exactly what I am wanting to portray through this business. I am mot definitely going to use them as a jumping off point & make it know how influential these aspects can be!

  20. It's quite hard for new to think of something that is in my hall of fame. I guess I really like the store Earthbound. It's random and has so many different items for everyone. The store employees are always welcoming and happy and chat with you about anything. Because of the wide array of selection and the great customer service, i would say the store is deep and compete.
    The trash can experiment didn't surprise me at all. When people only see one use in a product, that's how they'll use it. People are lazy, if you do more work for them they'll do what you're asking. I've seen psychology experiments like this in other classes and on tv to study human behavior.
    I think Netflix has done a good job at removing fences. It has a site that is easy to use, secure, many options, and a free trial. It has many shows and movies just a click of a mouse away and has no commercials. Netflix is very convenient, upfront, and simple.
    I always enjoy reading the personal stories at the end of the chapters. Chapter 4's highlights the hardships of starting a new business while showing you can always rely on family. It was a great story to end the chapter.

  21. 1. I have to give OnStar a nod for all that comes in the simplicity of a mirror. Complete, intelligent, deep? Absolutely. I've seen Coldplay in concert, and they definitely fit the elegant, complete, and empowering categories. I haven't seen many bands care about their fans as genuinely as Coldplay does. I actually have an architecture one - the Aqua building in Chicago (my dream home) fits the complete, intelligent, and elegant. For those who don't know what I'm talking about: That segues nicely to naming Chicago to my HOF city. No question. I've learned during my stay in Columbus that it's on it's way to at least get on the ballot! They're on the rise.

    2. I like the experiment and I think it makes sense. I might carelessly and accidentally throw a non-recyclable object into a blue tub, but if I see a hole for bottles, I'll throw the bottle in. There's a funny experiment I saw involving pedestrians in New York. You ever get annoyed at people who just stand in the middle of the sidewalk? Well Improv Everywhere made a "tourist lane" and "New Yorker lane" to "increase traffic flow" and even the Mayor liked the idea (

    3. There have been a lot of great examples mentioned (such as Google and Netflix), and I thought of Southwest, like Jon did, because of the lack of baggage fees. Not making people pay for luggage makes so much sense, especially since you can't carry on so many important things nowadays. Brands like Band-Aid succeed because even non Band-Aid bandages get called Band-Aid. One failure is the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim... Really?

    4. I really liked the Etsy example. I've seen a lot of nifty items on that site (and have made several purchases). Looking through answers I'm laughing at all the people mentioning the checklist section. I never make checklists because I find the results change instantly, changing what you need to check off. I also think I'll forget I made one, honestly. My favorite part was Kawasaki starting this chapter with "Do Something Great." Maybe he'll find a way onto the Enchantment HOF.

  22. 1. Taste of my Enchantment Hall of Fame:
    a. City- Nashville, TN because it is 1) full of intelligent people- not only extremely talented and smart, but who also have a different type of social, street-smart intelligence that has allowed them to be successful in such a competitive city. 2) It offers a complete great experience of everything from high-energy city life to peaceful lakes within a fifteen-minute drive. 3) It is empowering- not only to country artists, but also to anyone that is motivated by positive vibes that are radiating off the people, music, and overall atmosphere.
    b. Company- TOMS because their business model of giving a pair of shoes to a person in need with every purchase is 1) deep, 2) intelligent because people want to help those in need and wear cool shoes, 3) empowering because they symbolize your good deed which can be shown off by just wearing them around others
    2. I thought the trashcan experiment was very interesting. Although I’ve never tried anything similar, it got me thinking about how when you make it so simple and obvious for people to do the right thing, they will. Likewise, if doing the right thing is even the least bit not obvious or difficult, people will be lazy and take the easy way out.
    3. A company that I recently discovered comes to mind after reading about “removing the fences” called Graze. I noticed Graze through a friend’s Facebook post offering five “friend codes” in which five people could receive a free box of their tasty and healthy treats since this friend of mine was a new customer. I obviously took advantage of this and after simply clicking the link to their website, having the option of selecting snacks I would “like, hate, or try”, I entered my friend code and received the free box of snacks a week later. Most companies who do similar promotions like this normally worry me because I feel like I may get tricked into paying for something, but their straightforwardness and ease of use would have kept me a loyal customer had I had the money to be.
    4. I was enchanted by the advice on having clear, communicable goals in order to be enchanting. I think this is particularly essential when nearing the end of your college career and looking for a job. Whether you would be satisfied with a number of different positions, industries, or cities, potential employers see a sense of confidence and drive in students that know exactly what they want and their passion in communicating that. If you don’t know what you want, at least have a generic idea and a lot of passion for discovering the perfect job for yourself to communicate with a potential employer.

  23. 1.) My enchantment hall of fame would have to include companies such as Nike, Coca-Cola, ESPN, Google, Samsung, and Apple. All of these companies go above and beyond simply offering a product or service to their customers. These companies share the qualities of being innovative and offering an idea that had never before been executed prior to their existence. Steve Jobs, as mentioned in the chapter, was one of the most successful marketing innovator there has ever been while being the face of the company. He poured his heart and soul in finding ways to make imaginations a reality. He then partnered that with some of the best marketing strategies of all time. He was once quoted in saying that “people don’t know what they want.” He was a mastermind in taking a simple imagination or idea and building a product to someway, somehow make peoples’ lives better. Instead of using traditional marketing strategies, he built his own and dazzled consumers to the point that they HAD to have the new piece of technology. For instance, many technology consumers were dazzled at the release of Apple’s “retina display” when in reality it is simply a high definition screen. Building excitement using a synthesized way of innovative marketing is what took Apple to the top, it wasn’t necessarily all in the product itself; although the iPod was the pioneer to mp3 technology.

    The other brands listed above were meant to empower consumers into feeling special when purchasing the brand and becoming a true member to the brand. There are many people who buy Nike products because they truly feel it makes them cool and that they are able to carry the personality Nike portrays by simply supporting the brand and purchasing its products. Samsung is all about trying to be different in comparison to Apple because in their minds, Apple’s best days are behind them. Since the passing of Steve Jobs, Apple has struggled to really innovate something “over the top” as they had done time and time again with Jobs at the helm. Samsung is taking advantage of Apple’s relatively stagnate product’s stake and running with it by constantly releasing new and never before seen specs on it’s mobile devices. There was no such thing as a 24/7 sports network before the evolution of ESPN. It’s now by far and away the top producing cable network in the country and moving more and more internationally as well. As you can see, there is a trend with all of these companies in taking great products to the next level with great vision and being complete and empowering.

    2.) The trash can experiment is interesting to look at and analyze because I think it happens all the time with brands. They see an ongoing problem that is in dire need of a solution and they try to make products to eliminate and reduce the impact of the problem; no matter what it is. Probably a random example, but I thought of Wrangler’s “U-shaped” jeans as opposed to the traditional V-shaped ones. Obviously Wrangler was able to pick up on a complaint the blue jean consumers shared and created a product to fix the problem. In the business world, it’s all about finding the right trash can for the situation a particular organization is facing. Making something that combats an issue, whether it’s a profound problem or an easily overlooked problem, will enlighten people to pick up on the issue and partake in the right activity.

  24. 3.) I think an example of a company that has removed many of the fences that previously existed is Apple. Before the launch of the iPod and iTunes, music buying was limited to CD’s and other now extinct modes of purchasing. While making music conveniently bought and used, the name for the programs and products has stayed consistent with the Apple motto of making things better and making things easy. How easy is it to remember “iTunes, iPod, iMac, iPad, etc.” It’s easy to remember and the product fits the outfit of trying to be easy and useful. Before, many similar processes Apple has made easy might have been in place, but that place was not commonly visited or understood by the vast majority of consumers. Apple has made things similar to cars in that many people may not know how they work and operate under the hood, but yet they still know how to drive the car. Apple has done this with many pieces of its technologies.

    4.) The section about premortem I think can be easily overlooked, but it’s important to foresee potential problems and issues should they come up in order to ensure long term existence for your company. Much criticism in today’s world is done in hindsight and it frustrates me that this is the case. People need to take better steps into becoming better thinkers and planners rather than just winging ideas and hoping that everything goes according to plan. It might work sometimes, but hardly anything it seems like goes according to plan these days. It;s important to have plan b, plan c, and plan d and trying to fight off any potentially seen problems or barriers.
