Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Enchantment Book Chat #4 - Chapters 5 and 6

Chapters five and six point our attention to the implementation phase of enchantment. Two big tasks come with implementation--launch and overcoming resistance.  Both are huge hurdles for any business.

Questions for this Book Chat:
1. What brand can you think of that has a great story?  Even if you don't personally use or even like the brand.
2. Which is better increasing or decreasing the number of choices available to customers?
3. Generally college students are eager and willing to try new things.  When have you found yourself to be reluctant?
4. How have you seen social proof in action?  What happened and how were people influenced?
5. How important is it to enchant all the influencers?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Enchantment Book Chat #3 - Chapter 4

In Chapter 4 we learn about the importance of being prepared (the Boy Scouts were right), and the pitfalls that come if you aren't.

Questions for Book Chat #3:

1. What/who is in your Enchantment Hall of Fame?  Which of the necessary qualities listed does he/she/it have?
2.  What is your reaction to Guy's trash can experiment?  What have you ever seen or tried that was similar?
3.  What company have you noticed that has "Removed the Fences"?  Or the flip side, what companies have built unnecessary fences that make doing business with them more difficult?
4.  Anything else from Chapter 4 that "enchanted" you?