Sunday, April 24, 2011

Social Buying

This Tuesday, in class, we'll be discussing social buying.  Take a look at this infographic from Flowtown, shared by for a great graphic on the size and history of some of the sites.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to Make LBS More Than a Blip

This piece from Fast Company discusses some of the first measurements companies are taking after introducing location based social networks into their promotional campaigns.  Apparently, mosty companies find little lasting impact from such campaigns.

Key takeaways:
First, it is more important than ever to tie the LBS efforts to a larger campaign in order to sustain  the positive impacts that do occur. 
Second, there is little risk in trying some of the events and tactics to see what does happen.  A little bit of the guess and check model in action might be appropriate.

Monday, April 4, 2011


During class this week we will begin discussing the use of location-based social media and how brands are successfully using these tools to further their marketing efforts.  You know I love an infographic and here's a great one about FourSquare and who's using this network. 

Do you FourSquare?