Tuesday, March 1, 2011

This Is a Game Changer!

We talked in class about major leagues sports and NBA's position as the frontrunner when it comes to social media.  This post outlines some of the terms of a proposed relationship between the NBA and YouTube for broadcast coverage of games with live streaming video.  Clearly the NBA is not ready to relinquish its title as Social Media Champion.

The possibilities for other social media tie-ins in the arrangement are tremendous.  The comments, the integration to other forms of social media, the connections to a long-distance team for a long-distance fan, and on and on.  This brings the essence of what it means to be a fan and why people like sports--competition, socializing, recliner coaching, everything.

Can not wait to see what happens with this one! 


  1. Being a sports fan becomes more and more convenient every day. I am really not a fan of the NBA. I have never really liked the individual showcase that the NBA revolves around, and think that it's a lot more enjoyable to watch a more team oriented college game. But in terms of social media, as you have said in class, they've put themselves out there so well that I have no choice but to notice their latest news. This sooner or later leads to me following certain stories or teams in one way or another. Should this deal happen, I could see myself watching NBA games out of sheer convenience. The scary thing about this, however, is that the more people that professional sports teams are able to reach the more money is brought in, and the more outrageous salaries these players will be able to make. As a culture, we are really starting to elevate professional athletes to absurd levels of importance.

  2. Great comments, Kevin. I have a feeling live streaming video of all the games will also not help our sedentary lifestyles, obesity issues, or sense of reality about what it takes to become a professional athlete.
